
SE0022600037 - Diös Fastigheter AB 0% CERT 188 060225

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  • CRD IV / Solvency II capital requirements available.

Issuer Information

  • Issuer
  • Issue Name Diös Fastigheter AB 0% CERT 188 060225
  • Issuer's reg. number
  • Business

Issue Details

  • VPnr/ISIN — / SE0022600037
  • Ticker DIOS GREEN 025
  • Exchange
  • Securities Type Senior Unsecured CD
  • Risk Specification
  • Capital Weight
  • Ratings

Current Interest Rates

  • Redemption Type
  • Interest Type
  • Frequency
  • Reference Rate
  • Margin
  • Cap
  • Floor
  • Current Coupon Rate
  • Day Count Conv
  • Accrued Interest Conv
  • Business Day Conv


  • Issue Date 02/08/2024
  • Interest Accrual Date
  • Maturity Date 06/02/2025
  • Latest News
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  • Next Call (Price/X-Date)
  • Next Coupon Adjustment
  • Next Redemption (X-date)


  • Program Type
  • Currency
  • Current Outst. Amount
  • Max Principal Amount
  • Face Value
  • Redemption Price

Other Information

  • Region
  • Sector Code
  • Indstr. Class


  • Manager(s)
  • Paying Agent
  • Bond Trustee